Guide to the Building

Ground floor

1-6 Classrooms, А16 - Amphitheater, Б - Library, Ч - Reading room,
- Post Office


First floor

А32 - Amphitheater, Ф - laboratory Fono, И - Informatics,
7 - Classroom 7, 17 - Meeting room, 18 - Dean, 19 - Secretary, 20 - Vice Deans,
Ст - Associates, 22 - 28 - Assistant professors,
Сс - Student alliance


Second floor

38 - 50 - Professors, Б - Accounting, С - Students Service,
Р - Accounting


Why choose FPE?

The study program is designed in the tradition of the world's leading programs in the field of the Business and Public Administration. Contemporary forms of teaching and proportion of general education, and the field-specific disciplines, enabling the formation of top personnel.

Our students are employed!

Many of our students are employed in public administration, public and private enterprises which shows the importance of generic skills offered by the Faculty of Business Economics. On Аlumni association паге you can see an overview of all the members of the association, as well as the places where they currently work.