Faculty of Business Economics (FBE) develops a concept of business economics with direct focus on certain applied disciplines within the economic science.

It educates professionals in the following subjects: foreign trade, management, finances, accounting, banking, public finances, fiscal policy (customs and taxation), international and business law, insurance, management information systems, auditing, marketing, economic diplomacy, business ethics and other applied areas of the economics.

FBE has been established following transformation of Foreing Trade College accoording to Bologna Declaration and it consists of:
- Graduate academic studies
- Master academic stadies
- PhD academic studies (in preparation)

FBE is also active in:
- Research and development in social sciences,
- Publishing – books, magazines and similar publications,
- Business consulting – project design and management, IT and software development
- Advising – taxation, auditing, accounting, consulting management, etc.

FBE possesses professional staff, modern University building, which is one of the best in BiH, Library and Publishing services.

Why choose FPE?

The study program is designed in the tradition of the world's leading programs in the field of the Business and Public Administration. Contemporary forms of teaching and proportion of general education, and the field-specific disciplines, enabling the formation of top personnel.

Our students are employed!

Many of our students are employed in public administration, public and private enterprises which shows the importance of generic skills offered by the Faculty of Business Economics. On Аlumni association паге you can see an overview of all the members of the association, as well as the places where they currently work.

Business Informatics

Bachelor in Economics enabled for professional work in all segments of business and state adminstration, specially in: companies, computer centres, banks, insurance companies, accounting agencies, auditing companies, investment funds, brokers`agencies, stock exchanges, state administration and schools.

The holder of the Degree is entitled to enroll for postgraduate studies lasting for two terms (Master studies).

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Finances, banking and insurance

Bachelor in Economics enabled for professional work in all segments of business and state adminstration, specially in: companies, banks, insurance companies, accounting agencies, auditing companies, investments funds, brokers` agencies, stock exchanges, tax administrations, state administration and schools

The holder of the Degree is entitled to enroll for postgraduate studies lasting for two terms (Master studies).

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Foreign trade, tariffs and taxes

Bachelor in Economics enabled for professional work in all segments of business and state administration, specially in: companies, foreign trade organisation, Customs, shipping orgnisations, tax administrations, state administration and schools

The holder of the Degree is entitled to enroll for postgraduate studies lasting for two terms (Master studies).

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Дигитална економија (мастер)

Циљ програма је да оспособи студенте за даља академска истраживања, као и за рад у пракси на рјешавању конкретних проблема везаних за информационе технологије у савременом пословању, као и да схвати све предности електронског пословања, и да се припреми за наступ на електронском тржишту.

Након завршетка овог програма студент ће бити у стању да: овладава техникама примјене ИТ у пословању, као и коришћењу савремених мултимедиалних и мобилних технологија.

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Финансије, банкарство и осигурање (мастер)

Циљ програма je oбразовање стручњака из области финансија, односно банкарства, осигурања, финансијског менаџмента, те рачуноводства, финансијског извјештавања и ревизије, на нивоу II циклуса, ради оспособљавања за обављање сложених аналитичких, стручних и руководних послова и рјешавање конкретних пословно-финансијских проблема и изазова.

Након завршетка овог програма студент ће да стекне знања и вјештине за консултантски и даљи научно-истраживачки рад.

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Међународна економија (мастер)

Програм омогућава стицање знања и овладавање вјештинама које су неопходне за обављање сложених управљачких и аналитичких послова из области међународних финансија, економије Европске Уније и сродних области. Након завршетка студија студент ће бити у стању да идентификује и анализира процесе, институције и кретања у области међународне економије.

Студент ће бити оспособљен да прати, анализира и предвиђа кретања на свјетским тржиштима, са посебним освртом на подручје међународних финансија.

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Business and technical cooperation

FPE has signed cooperation agreements with leading economic faculties in the country and the region, and since 2016 the Faculty has become a MikroTik Academy, which allows students to training and the acquisition of distinctive industrial MTCN (MikroTik Certified Network Associate) certification. Faculty regularly organizes student internships on the basis of an agreement on business and technical cooperation have been concluded with a number of institutions, enterprises, firms, banks, insurance companies, and other businesses.